Blockstream Green offers simple and secure self-custody for Bitcoiners, regardless of the stage of your Bitcoin journey. From getting started with a standard single signature wallet to taking advantage of cold storage, utilizing Multisig Shield, or even validating your Bitcoin transactions using your own node over Tor, Green can support your needs with a solution designed to make it easy to secure your stack.
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Try the Beta Today
This new experience is available today to beta testers on Android and iOS. Read here the instructions to access the new beta.
Green’s beta program is a great way to get involved in the evolution of your favorite Bitcoin wallet. Beta users will have priority access to new features, such as a self-custodied Lightning wallet (soon to be released in beta during H1 2023), improved watch-only capabilities, and integration with even more hardware wallets.
For further support and to discuss other features in Green, you can join the official Green Community Telegram or subscribe to the Blockstream YouTube channel, where we frequently upload tutorials that cover topics like coin control and self-custody.
If you are interested in learning about Green and its layer-2 integrations, sign up for the Build On L2 community. You can talk with developers or attend educational workshops on Lightning and Liquid to learn how to leverage Bitcoin layer-2 into your stack.